A Definitive Guide to Marine Wind Turbines

· Solar Energy

Free and renewable resources are all around us with the most convenient being the suns radiant UV rays and the wind. Whilst both of them are available in an abundance the most applicable way in marine situations is to harness the power of the wind. There is more wind flowing at the sea than any other place except the mountains. A marine wind turbine is the same as a regular turbine you see going up 80 meters in the air. You may not be able to collect as much power as those turbines but if you find the right type of wind turbine and put it in the correct place you'll reap its benefits. This environmentally friendly solution does not only provide you with free energy but it also doesn't require a lot of maintenance to do so.

What to Look for in A Marine Wind Turbine

wind turbines on water

If the wind turbine you're getting is heavy it can actually affect the way you handle your boat. But this can be the case only if you get a lightweight wind turbine. The lighter it is the better. For example, take an air 40 wind turbine, this unit like many others of its calibre can make for an extremely efficient unit thanks to its weight.


For your turbine to be as effective as the air 40 wind turbine mentioned above you need to consider the number and size of the blades. If a turbine has fewer blades it'll be able to generate more energy at faster speeds as it will cause the rotor to spin faster. If a turbine has longer blades it will need a larger buffer zone and it will not make as much power.

Energy Output

This could be the most important factor for you as it affects how much energy it will be able to put into good use. If you encounter a model that is below 500 W avoid it as it will be useless for marine applications. A marine wind turbine needs to have around 1000 W to be able to power anything in your boat.

If you want to power some lights and let's say a fridge then add the power consumption per hour or in a day of required by all the lights and the fridge together and see how much you'll need. But no matter the energy needs you always want to get a turbine that as a tad more powerful as you never know when you might need to charge a phone or use an extra light source.


While wind turbines are considered as simple machines, over the years they have been provided with all kinds of features. One of the most common ones are built-in charge controllers, low-wind efficient and protective coatings (anti-corrosion and anti-UV) on the unit itself.

Wind Speed Rating

This type of rating is important for the turbine's efficiency as it signifies the amount of wind needed to make the turbine operate at its peak efficiency. While a turbine is still going to generate electricity if at speeds below that rating they won't meet the listed wattage. Simply put the lower the wind speed rating the more flexibility a marine wind turbine is able to offer.

How to Install A Marine Wind Turbine

wind turbines in the ocean
Where to Mount

The best place to install any wind turbine has to be the highest point of your boat. This is usually above the cockpit as there is nothing to get in the way of the turbine thus there is more wind blowing into it. Installing your turbine above the cockpit is also the best place for accessibility and repair. You can easily get to your wind turbine without having to move things out of the way in order to make space for you to get to it. This way you can position the turbine at any time so it picks up more direct wind.

How to Mount

1. Whilst not all turbines are installed exactly the same way, usually you'll need to first start by assembling the blades. Once done, you need to bolt the assembly onto the turbine. After the assembly has been bolted in properly you need to install all the electrics included with the unit. For this, you'll have to follow the instruction manual provided in the kit.

2. Next you need to mount the turbine. Get all the fasteners supplies in the kit and bolt and screw them in one by one. When done connect the turbine and raise it into position. Make sure to double-check all the power connections and tighten all the bolts and screw one last time.

Wiring Diagram

When you're done installing the brains of the operations it's time to mount the rest of the turbine. Start off you should start with the wiring diagrams. These are connected pretty easily as the majority of modern diagrams require you to connect simple positive and negative terminals. In marine conditions these connections must be waterproof and if this part makes you hesitant do not avoid calling in a professional. Some things are best left to knowing hands.